Hohts Services

Budgeting/Money Management
Budgeting/Money Management

Coping Skills
Coping Skills


Symptom Management
Symptom Management

Coping Skills
Coping Skills

Medication Management
Medication Management
We provide
Our focal point in working toward recovery are all essential tools such as person-centeredness, development of natural supports, strengths focused, and encouraging mutually interdependent relationships which nurture wellness and harmony. We are fully in support and encourage individuals to have free choice in making decisions on how they would like their treatment.
prp initial assessment
During the initial assessment person-served will be asked a variety of questions. You will be asked:
- Psychiatric History
- Medical History
- Substance History (if applicable)
- Forensic History
- Medications currently taken.
- Review of current symptoms
- Risk assessment was implemented at the time of the initial assessment.
During your initial assessment, you will also create a person-centered treatment plan. This will be your time to discuss any questions you may have regarding PRP program. Once the assessment has been completed the treatment team member will be in contact to start scheduling treatment sessions.
Budgeting/Money Management
Rehabilitation Direct Care Coordinators are trained to assist with identifying financial needs and developing a budgeting plan.
Coping Skills
We assist with helping individuals with utilize positive
coping skills that will assist with learning to better cope with
persistent symptoms.
Staff can assist persons-served with examining ways to
improve their whole health through healthy eating, physical activity,
self-care and improving sleep hygiene.
Symptom Management
We can assist with informing persons-served about
their mental illness to be able to work towards participating in
treatment and work towards their recovery. Staff will assist with
teaching to advocate for services and community resources that can
assist in working towards recovery.
Medication Management
Staff can assist with reviewing medications,
monitoring to ensure taking medications as prescribed.
Vascation and working Skills
We can assist with employment training through assistance with
developing cover letters, resumes, and finding jobs that suit skills and
abilities. We will assist with teaching soft skills needed to
establish/maintain employment and assist with filling out/following up
on job applications.
Program solvinf and mild education on substance abuse prevention and ways to prevent relapse
Staff can assist with reviewing the impact of substance
usage on mental health symptoms and its impact on long term goals.
Finding housing resources
Rehabilitation Direct Care Coordinators
assist with finding housing resources. Staff can assist with connecting to safe and affordable housing with the goal of working toward financial security and being able to support community living independently.
Entitlement Benefits
Staff can assist with recertifying for food
stamps, and following up on any entitlement benefits or applying for benefits.
Collaborating with Therapist/Psychiatrist
Rehabilitation Direct Care Coordinators can assist with doing clinical collaborations with therapist or psychiatrist and discuss any benefits or goals related to treatment and reach out to provider asneeded.
Social Skills
Staff can assist with building a social support and being a part of activities that will enhance persons-served quality of life.
Community resources
Staff can assist with researching any community
resources that will address needs
Day program
Rehabilitation Direct Care Coordinators can assist with scheduling groups either in the community with other group members who participate in day program groups or on-site at the program. Staff are
trained to meet you where you are and will go over the topic of your choice.
Learn more
Frequently Asked Questions
The goal is to provide a individualized service and assist individuals with severe and persistent mental health issues to work towards developing emotional, social and intellectual skills needed to be independent and fully integrated into the community. Services are provided at the office and in the community by trained professionals in the local area.
Medicaid Insurance is accepted only for PRP services. If unsure if eligible you may contact office to verify.
PRP services are authorized for 6 months. At the end of the authorization your goals will be reviewed by Direct Care Counselor and HOHTS may then request additional periods of services from your provider.
Services are provided to those residing in Anne Arundel County, Prince George’s County and Howard County.
Is a program that promotes independent living skills in a group setting. The program covers areas such as hygiene, social skill building, recreational, and therapeutic activities. Topics may be chosen per persons-served request. The day program also assists individuals with developing mental health coping strategies. Groups are scheduled with Direct Care Counselor and conducted in the community with others enrolled in day program groups or on-site at the office.
- Referral from treating provider (Licensed Mental Health Professional, Psychiatric Nurse, or Psychiatrist).
- Must be Medicaid Participant and can be verified through SSN, DOB, name, and Medicaid number (if known) provided on referral.
- Must meet the priority population diagnosis provided on referral form to be eligible for PRP services. If not sure if meet criteria or diagnosis is not listed referral source may contact us to discuss.
- Once eligibility is verified the intake specialist will be in contact to schedule assessment for PRP services along with completion of treatment plan goals.
Rehabilitation Direct Care Coordinators
Six sessions a month once a week are required for PRP services. You will schedule sessions with your Rehabilitation Direct Care Counselor. Sessions can be from 15 minutes to two hours depending on the goal that is being addressed in the treatment plan. Rehabilitation Direct Care Coordinators will address goals that are on the treatment plan and implement them either in the community, at home, or onsite at the program.

Are you in need of our Services?
Please contact us now to schedule your appointment
Ofice Hours
- Monday - Friday
- 09:00 A.M - 5:00 P.M